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Your pledge

On this page you will find:

Emily from North West Leicestershire:

Start more conversations about mental health with the people I speak to regularly and challenge the use of language.

Amy from Leicester City:

I pledge to talk about mental health openly, and to encourage my friends, family, colleagues and others I come in to contact with to do the same.

Francesca from Charnwood:

Talk openly with friends and family about mental health and promote the support services which are available locally.

Lewis from Melton:

I pledge to normalise Mental Health and Wellbeing in my everyday conversations to encourage others to speak openly about their wellbeing.

Matt from North West Leicestershire:

To give people the time to talk about their mental health in a safe space and environment without prejudice or judgement

Tanisha from Leicester City:

I pledge to encourage and support others and myself to speak about mental health and wellbeing openly, in hope to break the stigma.

Tariq Hussain Boodhoo from Oadby & Wigston:

Start more conversations regarding Mental Health and signpost people for support available

Teresa Barnes from North West Leicestershire:

To listen and make time for people to talk about their mental health and wellbeing, to take time to check in with people. I will ensure that I have telephone numbers available in my work and personal phone for sources of support

Anna Maudsley from Charnwood:

Support my colleagues to engage with this campaign and notice / check in with my colleagues wellbeing in a confidential, non judgemental way.

Rachel Simpson from Hinckley & Bosworth:

Continue to promote the importance of talking about mental health with friends and family and keep myself informed on how best to offer support.

Jen from Blaby:

Not let conversations about Mental Health and Suicide be stigmatised and for those who struggle to know it's ok to talk about how they are feeling.

Olga from Charnwood:

I pledge to challenge the stigma relating to poor mental health and to have open conversations about mental health with family, friends and colleagues.

Helen from North West Leicestershire:

Start conversations with people who seem to be acting out of character, and don't let 'I'm fine' be an answer.

Megan from North West Leicestershire:

I pledge to support others with mental health difficulties to listen and allow them to speak and be heard. To support my community in having these conversations, not shy away and pretend they do not happen. Be confident to talk about suicide and signpost individuals for help. Promote this campaign at every opportunity so people know someone is there.

Raj Gill-harrison from Leicester City:

Continue to support mental health and wellbeing in the community to vulnerable and marginalised people and start conversations and share strategies and reduce stigma

Fern from Charnwood:

Openly talk with people about mental health and signpost to support services.

Helen from Hinckley & Bosworth:

I pledge to talk to residents and my members about Mental Health without judgement or censure, and to give help and support.

Charlotte from Hinckley & Bosworth:

I pledge to talk about mental health, suicide and encourage individuals to seek help.

Eliza from Oadby & Wigston:

I will not shy away from difficult conversations and will ask people open ended questions- 'how are you?' instead of 'are you okay?'

Jane from Melton:

I now have central access number in my phone and have done your suicide course, I’m feeling much more confident about talking openly to people at our drop in centre if am called to about suicide

Helen Carter from Melton:

always use every opportunity to break the stigma around mental health and suicide and to encourage others to do the same.

Nicky from Charnwood:

spread the word that we can all face mental health challenges, that help is available and to signpost that help

Nick from Charnwood:

I pledge to be open empathetic and supportive to those I meet with mental health issues every day

Ifrah from Leicester City:

I pledge to start the conversion about mental health in my community to reduce stigma, to encourage help seeking, to listen without judgement. To help and support anyone struggling.

Shana from Melton:

I pledge to challenge views about suicide and to start friendly, open and empathetic conversations about mental health and suicide with people I meet and know in everyday life.

Emergency Help

Call 999 if there is a threat to life